Sunday, September 24, 2006

Don't Vote?

The American Association of Retired People began their new advertising campaign this week with a plea for voters to skip the polls and not vote. Not vote? The advertising campaign was released in a series of print advertisments like the one that ran in the Denver Post (See Above) and television commercials (Click Here. It isn't until you visit the website or hear the end of the ad that you hear the AARP's message. It truth the campaign is asking voters not to vote until they are informed about the issues and positions of the candidates. This is a very intersting ad that shows the power of suggestion. Using the 'don't think of an elephant' trick, the AARP is counting on voters to visit the website to figure out the real message. It worked on me!


Blogger Roxanne said...

I believe this is a very poignant statement. I like the idea behind this campaign it raises awareness on an issue normally ignored concerning elections. I concede voters should be infored when they go to the polls, it does not take a large ammount of effort to gain a small base of knowledge from which to cast an informed vote.

11:32 AM  

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