Wednesday, September 20, 2006

25 Signatures

I was wathcing some Tim Russert interview reruns a couple weeks back and he had Michael Moore on as a guest. Russert asked Moore how he became involoved in politics and so began my favorite Michael Moore story to date. Moore said that he always had the attitude that something needed to be done and if nobody was going to do it he would do it himself. He went on to say that him and the prinicpal often butted heads and he did not like the man. When Michael graduated from high school he called the supervisor of elections to find out what he could do to get involved. The supervisor told him he could register to vote or run for office. Michael asked, "How do you run for office". The supervisor responded, "You need 25 signatures". So Michael asked a few of his pot-head friends to sign and he ended up winning a seat on the school board. Nine months into the job Michael convinced the rest of the school board to fire the principal.


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